Working With PDF Files
The completed case has been emailed to you as an pdf file. Double click on the pdf file and it will open in Adobe Acrobat Reader. (If you need to get Acrobat Reader, click HERE to download the latest version which is 8.
Acrobat Reader allows you to do a number of things:
- You can enlarge portions of the image using the zoom tool, such as looking at details of the imaged teeth. The zoom tool is very simple to use. Select the zoom tool and draw a box around the area you want to enlarge.
- You can print the "before and after" simulation if you choose and get an excellent quality print. The best prints are made with ink jet printers with 6 inks and photo quality paper.
- If your patient has internet access you can email the PDF file as an attachment so they can view the "before and after" on their computer.
Why do we send you a PDF file instead of the before and after jpgs? We use a special compression application to reduce the size of the jpgs which is then converted to the pdf format. This technique greatly reduces the file size and makes transmission by email much smoother. If you want the before jpg or the after jpg, log onto your private SmilePix web page and click on the patient's name in the list. You will see the patient's thumbnail and to the right of the thumbnail are three buttons: The Before Photo is the before jpg, the After Photo is the after jpg and the Before/After is the before and after PDF. When you click on one of the buttons a new window will open and the file will load in the browser. If you are using an older browser the image will be very large. Go to the File menu and select Save or Save As to save the file to your computer.
To view the Adobe Acrobat 8 help document, click HERE (a new window will open).